Monday, January 20, 2014

The TMI Tag!

I got inspired by a video from two of my favorite YouTubers, Esteé (Essiebutton) and Sammi (Beautycrush), to do this TMI tag; the YouTube questions will be altered accordingly...aaaand here we go!

  1. What are you wearing? A fleece pullover and some sweats.
  2. Ever been in love? Yep.
  3. Ever had a bad breakup? Oh yes. 
  4. How tall are you? 5'4"
  5. How much do you weigh? Umm...yeah, no. Not gonna go there.
  6. Any tattoos? Nope. I've thought about it, but haven't gone through with it.
  7. OTP? Hmmmm, well I don't really keep up with TV shows and stuff like that to have an OTP. Sorry!
  8. Favorite show? I love The Golden Girls, but I've been really getting into The Addams Family lately. I know, I'm so retro! Haha!
  9. Favorite band? Depeche Mode. 'Nuff said.
  10. Something you miss? Working! 
  11. Favorite song? It's so hard to choose, but my favorite song right now is "Honey & I" by HAIM.
  12. How old are you? 26.
  13. Zodiac sign? Gemini (born on May 26th)
  14. Quality you look for in a partner? Definitely a sense of humor. I likes to laugh!
  15. Favorite quote? Too many to mention!
  16. Favorite actor? I would have to say Jennifer Lawrence, Kelsey Grammer and Tom Hanks.
  17. Favorite color? Pink! 
  18. Loud or soft music? Loud, please and thank you.
  19. Where do you go when you're sad? My computer! :P
  20. How long does it take you to shower? Anywhere between 20-30 minutes, only because my hair is a bitch to condition.
  21. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 15 minutes. I try to go fast with my makeup and then jump into my clothes!
  22. Ever been in a physical fight? Nah.
  23. Turn on? Nice arms.
  24. Turn off? When someone is really pushy about certain things.
  25. The reason I joined YouTube? I are not a vlogger, so this is non applicable!
  26. Fears? Heights, spiders, death, snakes.
  27. Last thing that made you cry? When I was over at my grandma's house last week, we went through some family photos and I came across one of me and my dad at one of my bowling alley birthday parties when I was younger. My mom says I was about five in the picture. I don't have many pictures of me and my dad so when I saw it, I just started crying and started missing him all over again.
  28. Last time you said you loved someone? Told my mom before I left the house. Ever since 9/11, I always make sure I do that.
  29. Meaning behind your YouTube name? Again, I do not vlog, but I will tell the meaning of my blog name! One time on Twitter, a friend of mine made a hashtag called #Allyverse as a reply to one of my posts. I can't even find it anymore, it was so long ago!
  30. Book you're currently reading? Lay Me Down Softly by Francesca Lia Block. The real question is will I finish it? XD
  31. The last book you read? Agorafabulous! by Sara Benincasa.
  32. Last show you watched? Gilligan's Island, while having dinner with my mama.
  33. Last person you talked to? My friend Kim on Facebook.
  34. The relationship between you and the last person you texted? Friend.
  35. Favorite food? Italian, Thai, Mexican.
  36. Place you want to visit? London, for sure!
  37. Last place you were? CVS to pick up some prescriptions.
  38. Do you have a crush? Yes.
  39. Last time you kissed someone? About two weeks ago, with previously said crush, and.....oooooh la la! ;)
  40. Last time you were insulted? I don't remember, honestly!
  41. Favorite flavor of sweet? Nothing beats chocolate!
  42. What instruments do you play? I haven't physically played it in years, but I do know guitar and I sing as well.
  43. Favorite piece of jewelry? It definitely has to be this ring that I had gotten from QVC a couple of months ago that has "Be True To You" engraved on it.
  44. Last sport you played? Hahahahaha! Good one! Haven't played anything since high school handball/paddleball class!
  45. Last song you sang? Oh clue...
  46. Favorite chat-up line? Ehh, don't particularly like them.
  47. Have you used it? Again, non applicable.
  48. Last time you hung out with anyone? Today! Kim and I had our usual Monday afternoon Taco Bell for lunch and it was quite yummy!
  49. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone and everyone! Either post this on your blog or in the comments below! :D

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